Embed a Google Doc (Calendar)

Editable templates available at the bottom of this page!

Google-based calendars (via a Google Doc or Sheet) are great for communicating daily activities, formative and summative dates, and assigned homework. Instead of simply linking the Shareable Link on Moodle, you can EMBED it directly on Moodle for easily accessibility and readability.

How to create and embed a Google Doc/Sheet (calendar) on Moodle

First, on the Google Doc/Sheet:

1. Create/access a Google-based calendar

2. On the document, go to "File --> Publish to the Web"

*Note - this is NOT the same as getting a shareable link

3. Select the tab for "Embed" then choose "Publish"

4. Copy the embed code

Then, on Moodle:

5. Go to the section/toggle that you want to embed the calendar on

6. Select "Add an activity or resource" then choose "Label"

7. Click on the icon for "Edit HTML Source" signified by the < > symbol (boxed below in red).

If you don't see this icon, you likely need to click the top left icon (circled below in black) to open the toggle for more toolbar options.

8. Simply pasting the embed code provided by the published document will suffice, but only a small window of the document will be embedded and won't fill the entire page width on Moodle. Instead, ADD the additional HTML code below to adjust the sizing.

      • See image below which details these two different views.


<p><iframe src="PASTE YOUR PUBLISHED HTML CODE HERE" frameborder="”0″" height="500" width="100%"></iframe></p>

Full Text Example:

<p><iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTON2w1RgU1zsmIwBOmQ1Ij4m_2qsTIN-uP7MLstbazBwPNZ1Dd-YY1bsHlzsp6aw_OvJ70_B6QtHpG/pub?embedded=true" frameborder="”0″" height="500" width="100%"></iframe></p>