Course Header Table Template

The Course Header Table contains icons that link to commonly accessed or important links/resources for your class. When a new Moodle course is created, this template containing a 4 icon X 2 icon table is imported; the template is fully editable to meet your needs. You can resize the table to add/remove rows and columns as needed.

Edit the Course Summary Icons

Edit Course Summary Icons.mp4

How to Edit the Existing Template Icons

The '' portion of email has already been linked for you. Edit this link to add the username portion of your email. Ex.

If your course has an online textbook, link the website to access it here. Even if it is not accessed regularly in your course, it is recommended that it be linked as a supplemental resource.

If your course uses a textbook, but there isn't a digital version of it or you do not have access to it, instead link an image of your textbook to this icon.

If your course does not utilize a supplemental textbook, remove/replace this icon.

Resources, when linked, will pull up a list of all documents, slides, PDFs, and URLs that are uploaded to your Moodle page. Students can access them either from this list or from the toggles themselves.

Assignments, when linked, will pull up all of the "drop boxs" / places to submit student work. These can be accessed either in this list or within the individual locations within the toggles.

The URL for each can be found by going to the tab "This Course." These will not appear here until you have at least one of these types of activities added/created on your Moodle.

Gradebook directs users to the log in for Home Access Center; this is the only icon that has been linked for you and is currently functional as is.

The Customs icons are nothing more than placeholders. These symbolize available area within the table to add additional icons depending on need. When you replace them, remove the existing custom icon and exchange it with an icon that symbolizes what you are linking it to. Consider using icons available to you in the Icon Repository to maintain consistency in the icon appearance. If you have nothing more to link, delete these placeholders and resize the table to fit a reduced number of icons (for example: 1 X 5)

Ideas to replace Custom Icons:

  • A Google folder of Grading Period Google Doc Calendars (rather than individually linked so this doesn't need to be updated each six weeks)

  • Course Syllabus

  • Remind Sign Up information

  • Request/Retake Form

  • Tutorial Request Form

  • Other frequently accessed sites

*IF you are using Google Classroom, you must add:

  1. The Google Classroom icon to your Course Header Table

  2. The following parent statement (as is or reworded) under/near the Google Classroom icon:

The icon above will take you to Google Classroom. In order to see course materials and additional information housed in Google Classroom, your student will need to log in using his/her NISD Credentials.

Icon Repository

All images/icons in the Course Header Table are recommended to remain black and white so they appear consistently across the Moodle platform.

Below are examples of some images you will find available in Icon Repository. Click here to see these icons and more in order to save and use them in your course.

Import Your Updated Course Header Into Your Other Owned Courses