Adding a NON-EDITING Teacher to your Moodle Course


Owner/Teacher(s) of Moodle page are able to enroll users to their own page. Just like you are able to manually enroll students into the Student role, you also have the rights/ability to manually enroll a teacher into a Non-Editing Teacher role.

Course Management > Participants > Enroll Users > type staff member's name > select Non-Editing Teacher > Enroll Users

Once enrolled, your course will now show up in their "My Courses" dropdown at the top left of Moodle.

What is a Non-Editing Teacher?

A non-editing teacher in Moodle allows a co-teacher to have elevated viewing access to content within the course without the ability to add/delete/edit any existing content.

This role WILL allow the non-editing teacher to have access to:

  • Content that is currently hidden from students (past or upcoming course toggles, individual activities, etc.)

  • View student data including assignment submissions and quiz scores

  • ---This is the equivalent of seeing what a Teacher of the course can, but with VIEW-ONLY access.

This role WILL NOT allow the non-editing teacher to:

  • Delete existing content and student data

  • Upload new content such as a Modified version

  • Change instructions, formatting, layout

  • Enroll new users

Who may need this role?

Depending on your needs, you may wish for some individuals to have non-editing rights to your page instead of editing rights. These may include:

  • Special Education Inclusion Teacher or Aide

  • A new teacher of the same content (ex. an experienced Science teacher giving non-editing view-only access to a new teacher with a less-developed Moodle page)

Adding an EDITING Teacher to your Moodle Course


Editing Access to a Moodle page is the highest level of ownership; thus, this elevated access CAN ONLY BE COMPLETED BY requesting it from your campus Instructional Technologist.

In your email request, please include:

  1. The URL to the course you want an editing teacher added to

  2. The name of the new teacher to be added

What is this?

An editing teacher in Moodle allows a co-teacher to have the EXACT SAME EDITING ACCESS to content within the course as you, the course owner does.

Who may need this role?

Depending on your needs, you may wish for some individuals to have editing rights to your page instead of non-editing rights. These may include:

  • Another teacher in your PLC in order to have a shared Moodle page.

    • Instead of two copies of the same course, both/all teachers will share one Moodle page.

    • Editing Teacher access is also required if you want to be able to export and import Moodle categories/quizzes between courses.

  • Special Education Inclusion Teacher or Aide

    • This would allow the Inclusion Teacher to upload modified versions or edit existing content to meet the needs of special populations

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