Before students can enroll...
How do I guide my students to self-enroll?
Review the instructions below, or view this screencast which outlines the same steps.
Students will...
2. Find the teacher's course
From the Moodle home page, students can either access your course by using the Course Category buttons or by typing your last name into the Search Courses bar at the bottom left.
3. Click to open the correct course
For teachers with multiple preps, all courses will appear within the search. Students will open the course they are taking.
4. Open Course Dashboard
This is located at the top left of the course.
5. Click either settings wheel, then "Enroll me in this course"
The option for "Enroll me in this course" shows up in both locations.
6. Enter the provided self-enrollment key
The teacher must have this set up before students self-enroll. Instructions here if needed.
Teacher last name + class period; all lowercase & no spaces.
Success! The student is now enrolled in this course.
Students can easily return to their enrolled courses by clicking on "My Courses" at the top left of Moodle. Students must be logged into Moodle in order for the 'My Courses" dropdown to appear.